

C 6 Audio- und Musik-Retrieval (De Gruyter Saur)
Maximilian Eibl, Josef Haupt, Stefan Kahl, Stefan Taubert and Thomas Wilhelm-Stein

A Comparison of Text Selection Algorithms for Sequence-to-Sequence Neural TTS (IEEE)
Stefan Taubert, Jasmin Sternkopf, Stefan Kahl and Maximilian Eibl

Towards a Vowel Formant Based Quality Metric for Text-to-Speech Systems: Measuring Monophthong Naturalness (IEEE)
Sven Albrecht, Rewa Tamboli, Stefan Taubert, Maximilian Eibl, Günter Daniel Rey and Josef Schmied

Untying the Gordian Knot: Legally Compliant Sound Data Collection and Processing for TTS Systems in China (Springer)
Stefanie Meyer, Sven Albrecht, Maximilian Eibl, Günter Daniel Rey, Josef Schmied, Rewa Tamboli, Stefan Taubert and Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl


Automated Lifelog Moment Retrieval based on Image Segmentation and Similarity Scores (ImageCLEF)
Stefan Taubert, Stefan Kahl, Danny Kowerko and Maximilian Eibl

In 2019 I participated in the annual international ImageCLEF competition and developed a method for automated Lifelog Moment Retrieval based on image segmentation and similarity measures as part of my master thesis.

Automatisiertes Lifelog Moment Retrieval basierend auf Bildsegmentierung und Ahnlichkeitsmaßen (Masterthesis, PDF)
Stefan Taubert


Species Prediction based on Environmental Variables using Machine Learning Techniques (LifeCLEF)
Stefan Taubert, Max Mauermann, Stefan Kahl, Danny Kowerko and Maximilian Eibl

In 2018 I took part in the annual international LifeCLEF competition and as part of my research seminar I developed a method for specifying plant species using images and environmental variables.


Identifikation von Frageduplikaten für Q&A-Portale mittels Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens (Bachelorthesis, PDF)
Stefan Taubert